Press Release

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Release date : 2020-09-09
Stolen and counterfeit spares is still one of the major issues in the aviation industry

In the last couple of decades, despite several global economic shake-ups, aviation industry have been rapidly expanding to meet the demand determined by the increasing number of passengers and global business trends all over the world. As a result, airlines have been rapidly expanding and renewing their fleets that require constant care, maintenance and support.

Release date : 2020-09-09
A prerequisite for the successful growth of aviation industry in the Asian Pacific region

In the next two decades the global MRO profits should increase from USD 40 to 100 billion. Although today the Asian Pacific region accounts for a fifth of the entire market, the MRO industry in China and India grows by on average 8% per year. Passenger flows have already reached 700 million annually. Therefore, with

Release date : 2020-09-09
The Middle East MRO market lacks high quality aircraft components

Within the next decade the aviation market will be steadily shifting towards the East. Extensive investments into the aviation infrastructure and logistics, expanding and constantly updated aircraft fleets as well as increasing passenger flows will definitely impel the MRO sector to concentrate on the Middle East, especially the North African and Asian regions. Last year

Release date : 2020-09-09
Connecting all international aircraft parts markets is the industry future

Despite the rapidly growing passenger flow, growing aviation industry profits and activity indicators in 2011, the forecast for next year is less optimistic. According to the most optimistic IATA expectations the next year airlines’ profits should decrease from the initially planned USD 4.9 billion to USD 3.5 billion. The biggest challenge awaits MRO service providers

Release date : 2020-09-09 signs a cooperation agreement with Russian Civil Aviation Institute

In the Dubai Air Show 2011 in UAE a global aviation spare parts platform signed a cooperation agreement with the Russian State Research Institute of Civil Aviation (GosNIIGA). The agreement was signed after long negotiations and preparation. According to it both parties will work closely together in their attempt to ensure the authenticity of

Release date : 2020-09-09
Reliability is one of the key factors in the aviation industry

At the times of the economic boom airlines celebrated the abundance of passengers without paying due attention to assessing potential risks. Nowadays the industry is increasingly embracing globalization processes and, according to, reliability is becoming one of the key factors in the aviation sector for both partners and clients. After all, airlines wish to