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New artificial intelligence plugin integrates spare parts search with Outlook

Recently has launched Amber A.I., an artificial intelligence spare parts procurement assistant, capable of recognizing aircraft part numbers, conditions and quantities from any email. Today the company has presented a new plugin to complement the virtual tool. By integrating Amber’s capabilities directly into an email client, it enables procurement managers to reach suppliers straight from their Outlook without the hassle of writing or forwarding a single email.

The plugin can be integrated with the relevant MS Outlook client by following a three-step setup process. It also requires to log in using one’s Account details. Afterwards, simply selecting an email and clicking on the Process button on the MS Outlook toolbar is enough to conduct the search and send multiple RFQs to all available vendors just moments after receiving a request for spare parts.

“Amber A.I. has already proven to be a hit among procurement managers. However, the new plugin brings Amber-enabled search experience to a whole new level by integrating the power of artificial intelligence straight with a tool everyone in the industry uses daily – an email client. As a result, you don’t even have to read your emails: a single click can summarize all the effort you need to put into the spare parts purchasing process,” shares his excitement Zilvinas Sadauskas, the CEO of

Amber A.I. Plugin Screenshot

What is more, the app features a Paste Search function. It allows to process relevant information through marketplace by simply copying it into a Paste Search window from any source without having to worry about structuring or editing the text in any way. For extra convenience the search results can be viewed in an email client or in a web browser.

„Now, as a procurement manager, you can get part numbers extracted from the email you have just received from the planning department and start receiving quotes from the suppliers even before you have the data of the customer quotation added to your ERP. As a result, you get to enjoy your cup of coffee longer,” smiles the CEO of The new Amber Plugin is currently available for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and 2013 users, with the support of Outlook 2007 and IBM Notes coming up soon.

For further information please visit

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