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Artificial Intelligence conquers the Middle East

Ultra-fast smartphones, cutting-edge tablets and powerful PCs – today everyone has them, meaning that developing along with the market is not enough. You have to be at least one step ahead in order to ensure the competitiveness of your company and products.

For example, let’s take Japanese venture capital firm, Deep Knowledge, which, like many, has a Board of Directors. But the Board is quite unordinary, as one of the directors is… an artificial intelligence-based system. Can you imagine that one of the most important positions in a company is entrusted to software? The system is an equal member of a Hong Kong-based group and is the first ever software program to be appointed as a Board member. Such innovative cases prove that the world is unstoppably moving forward.   

And aviation is moving forward as well! Aviation spare parts procurement industry is a perfect case for artificial intelligence–based solutions. With this in mind, we are delighted to share that few days ago Zilvinas Sadauskas, the CEO of, presented Amber A.I. (an artificial intelligence spare parts search tool) to the Middle Eastern aviation community while speaking at the “Airline Engineering & Maintenance: Middle East” conference. Many of the conference’s attendees were pleasantly surprised to know that a unique artificial intelligence-based spare parts search tool is now available for aviation too.

Amber A.I. – an artificial intelligence-based tool which will help you to shrink your search processes to just one click. This tool will automatically examine your email as well as search for required parts through the global spare parts platform thus eliminating a large portion of steps that you encounter while manually searching for required parts.

Use the best tools available on the market. Use Amber A.I.

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