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How one company hopes to stand out from the crowd in the spare parts marketplace

Standing out from the crowd in the already busy aircraft spare parts sector can prove challenging.

One company, – a family member of Avia Solutions Group, and the leading aviation marketplace for aircraft spare parts and repair capabilities – has already established its place as a recognised leader in the sector.

According to Toma Matutyte, CEO of, “Maintaining our company’s place on the market leader-board is just as important as getting there in the first place. That’s why adding additional relevance and importance for our customers and engaging with them in a more meaningful and more valuable way needs to be at the forefront of our thoughts at all times”.

Developing technologies to improve performance is an ongoing mission for many aviation companies, especially coming on the back of a global, industry-changing crisis. However, ultimately, it is the customer’s satisfaction that decides the fate of success or failure.

To stay relevant, forward-thinking companies need to constantly examine and reconsider their strategies and their relationship with their customers, suppliers, and partners. Again, according to the CEO, Matutyte, “While we constantly continue to develop our technology, the company’s present goal is to engage customers and potential customers through hyper-personalised outreach. Therefore, our goal is to enhance customer support and engagement, which we are sure will be reflected by an increased stock inventory, an increased number of premium suppliers, and a better more transparent customer sales pipeline. To achieve these goals, we are shifting our focus on rebuilding our customer service team to match the expectations of our clients, while also actively updating the overall marketplace itself. ” 

Engaging with customers in a more focused manner is only one part of the aircraft spare parts industry, the need also exists for suppliers to become more engaged and proactive for the relationship to work in harmony.

While the marketplace serves the needs of the ultimate customer, suppliers, it could be argued, would be better served to maintain their inventory and stock offerings and additional services online – regularly updating and refreshing their offerings – thereby playing a mutually beneficial role to benefit all parties in the relationship. Such engagement with a marketplace platform like would help to drive leads and RFQs, while also increasing the suppliers ranking in the listings.

Once again, according to Matutyte, “For the marketplace to perform at the highest level, every involved player has a role to play. For us, that role is to reach out to the direct needs of our customers and engage more effectively, while encouraging suppliers to become more actively involved in its growth.” is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, a leading aerospace services group with what has become almost 100 offices and production facilities worldwide. ASG is significantly backed by the assets of over 7,000  highly skilled aviation professionals, serving more than 2,000 clients throughout Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and worldwide.

Avia Solutions Group holds more than 500 licenses for its evolutionary range of activities across multiple business sectors. Its vast portfolio of services to clients include; aircraft leasing and trading, MRO services, business aviation and VIP airline procurement, charter and cargo aviation, pilot and crew training, recruitment services, together with multiple complementary services spanning a wide range of associated operations.

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