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Digital Operating System to Transform the MRO Sphere

In the fast-paced industry of aviation MRO, processes that increase job completion speeds, efficiency, or, even more notably, turn around times (TATs) are of the utmost importance. The aviation industry is full of regulations and any MRO service requires a vast number of certifications, signatures, and approvals. Digitalizing the massive amount of data that accompanies the approval of spare parts work speeds up the innovation and digitalization of the entire industry. Managing aviation projects manually causes both service providers and clients to miss deadlines and increase TAT times by digging for names, dates, or details that could easily be accessed in one system if a digital operating system was employed. is deeply involved in the MRO industry and has made it a priority to help MRO organizations have better access to the information needed to help clients effectively. To accomplish this, has created the digital operating system Customer Portal MRO.

Why it is time to move to a digital operating system

Organizations across every sector, use computers and systems to help complete tasks, so it only makes sense to use them in the incredibly time and safety-sensitive MRO industry. In general, the aviation industry is conservative and slow at adapting to technological advancements when compared to other industries. Email, phone, and out-dated or complex systems are the most common methods of dealing with questions concerning spare parts, but these methods are not conducive of properly storing data, information can be easily misinterpreted or lost, and there is no way to document who is making or responsible for decisions. With MRO service providers dealing with more than 100 spare parts requests per email, it can be difficult to manage all of the information, but the digital operating system Customer Portal MRO displays organized information on one user-friendly screen. Emails get lost and details discussed can be forgotten, the Customer Portal MRO can prevent these mistakes.


Preventing the loss of information is just one of the many benefits found in employing’s digital operating system. MRO organizations can work with clients to approve, cancel, or choose to deliver their own spare parts using the system. Clients can easily see which parts the MRO service provider suggests along with the cost and deadline for a decision. Information about selected parts can effortlessly be exported into Excel or PDF files. Explanations or comments can be left by both parties in the comment section. Information concerning all MRO service decisions and who made them can be quickly accessed.  Work order summaries, including the number of tasks in progress or completed, can be accessed by both the MRO service provider and client at any time. Last but not least, information such as the sales type, quantity, price, condition, certificate type, TAG date, incoterms, lead time, remarks, and alternative part numbers, are displayed for all assigned spare parts in the system.

Issues solved’s Customer Portal MRO provides all the tools necessary to make the spare parts approval process simpler and more effective. Tasks become smooth for clients and service providers alike, as the Customer Portal MRO system eliminates misunderstandings and the need for additional paperwork.

The most complex challenge when implementing new technology is determining how to operate with legacy systems. If an MRO organization is already operating a system for other parts of the MRO process, Customer Portal MRO can be quickly and seamlessly integrated with other software services.

Innovation ’s experience in the aviation MRO field has given them the expertise essential for creating a system that is specifically catered to the processes and tasks performed during aviation MRO. The system is not only convenient but necessary to meet deadlines and TAT goals.

By automating everyday tasks, Customer Portal MRO saves time and cuts operational costs. The ability to add and synchronize spare parts lists with a few clicks all the while giving client’s complete access to the information is an unheard of concept in the MRO space. By opening up to the client, in this manner, MRO service providers can help clients feel more reassured and have a clearer voice in ongoing work while saving time and money for both parties involved. Therefore, the system is convenient to use, especially when MRO service providers are working with long-term clients. With histories available, answers to any why, who, or when questions can be found in the system making project management much easier for everyone involved. 

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