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Aviation Events of 2019: Why Attend?, an IT company that provides an online marketplace for aircraft parts, has had the opportunity to virtually connect an expansive community of people inside the aviation industry through its platform. Since these connections take place online, the parties often never meet in person. has witnessed its many clients build and strengthen profound networks by attending events and exhibitions around the world. The company’s clients have found tremendous amounts of success by physically meeting potential partners, suppliers, and customers at events such as these.

From a logistical standpoint, it is well worth the time to visit one place (event) and meet several clients at one location instead of traveling to visit each client separately. Aviation events can help with broadening horizons and understanding cultural differences, vital aspects of doing business worldwide. These types of events can also provide a better understanding of the aviation community and culture. All of which helps create a stronger company image.

The aviation industry, in a sense, has a rather small community where everyone knows each other, and participation in the community is a must to be seen. By not showing up to at least a couple of events each year, the risk of being obscure and overlooked is high. Every event is an opportunity to make a lasting impression which benefits both service providers and clients. Meeting people/clients face-to-face, the same ones with which you communicate regularly over the phone or through emails could be the driving force which ends up making a sale. Even though it may seem like a small thing, meeting in person with someone could very well be the detail that strengthens a relationship to the point at which you are the provider they decide to use.

Sending the same people to each event is standard practice within the aviation world. Following this simple rule can increase the awareness of a company, and whether the company has a booth or not, the people will still recognize the individuals which could lead to productive meetings. It is also important to continue maintaining good relationships with previous clients. Even after a client chooses to stop doing business with your company for various reasons, they will always remember you upon sight which therefore may increase the chance of them recommending your company to other people.

Having a booth at events is essential if you aim at attracting new clients. When you have a booth, you are visible, and everyone knows they can stop by to pick up a business card. Without a booth, you might end up only meeting existing clients that already know you.

To gain traction in the industry, attending aviation MRO events in Europe, the Americas, and Asia is crucial. It is very common for clients to ask which events you will be at so that they can coordinate their trips in a manner that makes them as effective as possible.


When it comes to deciding on which events to attend, globally there are many options from which to choose. The European AIR Convention, the ACPC event (in America), all Air Shows, the MAX air show (at the Zhukovsky International Airport), and MRO Russia & CIS are all very worthy of attendance if you are interested in any of those markets.

Aviation Week also hosts a number of conferences and exhibitions. Here is a list of their top MRO events.

  • MRO Asia-Pacific
  • MRO Latin America
  • MRO Middle East
  • MRO Southeast Asia
  • MRO Americas
  • ap&m Europe
  • MRO Europe
  • MRO Australasia

As an IT company with a vast amount of technical resources, has thrown around the idea of bringing everyone together through an online portal for virtual exhibitions. Could the aviation sector open the door to a whole new type of exhibitions?

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